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      Fractional skin renewal with Fraxel Dual laser

      * Lower prices on course of procedures + latest version of FRAXEL DUAL 1550/1927 – effect of two lasers during one procedure. With the 1550 it increases skin firmness, elasticity, shrinkage of skin pores, corrects scars, smoothes skin surface, lines, wrinkles. 1927 improves the appearance of the skin: promotes structural regeneration of the surface layer, smoothes skin color, removes pigmentation.

      * The prices quoted for one procedure with the purchase of a 3 procedures package.

      * PRP PLASMOLIFTING (the patient’s blood plasma is used) – enhances the effect of Fraxel Dual treatments. During the Fraxel Dual procedure – PRP therapy in one selected area of the body: face, neck, decollete, hands ONLY 179 €, instead of the regular 235 € price. Save!







      The fractional skin renewal – new possibilities of a new rejuvenation!

      Fractional Skin Renewal Ever young skin – laser skin rejuvenation is a miracle of aesthetic medicine. Medical technologies are evolving so rapidly in the XXI century, that the body care treatments, which a decade ago seemed impossible, today became an integral part of life – now it is possible to eliminate defects of skin, rejuvenate skin…

      Today, ERA ESTHETIC Laser Dermatology Clinic offers to carry out a skin rejuvenation procedure by the most recent Fraxel re:Store DUAL 1550/1927 nm laser (manufacturer – Solta Medical, Inc., USA). This is a double-action and double-effect laser, rejuvenating the skin and removing skin blemishes.

      Skin rejuvenation

      Skin aging occurs in all layers of the skin, so surface rejuvenation procedures,
      which do not deal with dermis layers, are not efficient in removing wrinkles, scars, stretch marks and other skin lesions. The new Fraxel re:Store Dual laser has made it possible to renew all layers of the skin, responsible for color, firmness and structural characteristics, as well as to remove pronounced traces of ageing without surgical intervention.

      Fraxel Dual 1550/1927 provides new opportunities – not only a nice aesthetic, but also has healing powers: due to the procedures, new healthy cells produce, skin becomes youthful again.

      Fraxel re:Store Dual 1550/1927 – a two-laser effect in a single treatment

      Fraxel re:Store Dual 1550/1927 nm laser is the latest, significantly improved version of the Fraxel lasers. This laser has two Fraxel laser systems combined in it: 1550 nm Erbium laser (former Fraxel re:Store) designed to reach deeper layers of the skin and the new Thulium laser 1927 nm intended for resurfacing, renewal, and pigmentation correction of surface skin layers. Applying the unique combined technology of two-wavelength laser, skin is thoroughly renovated during the treatment – the most important changes take place both on surface and in deep layers of the skin, so the effect is two-fold:

      • 1550 nm laser wave affects dermis to a depth of up to 1.6 mm and promotes natural production of collagen and elastin, new fiber network forms, its density is restored – and this is the basis of the deep skin layer. As a result of this process, skin firmness and elasticity increases; skin texture, lines, wrinkles smooth and correction of scars takes place.
      • 1927 nm laser wave affects the upper epidermal layer to a depth of 0.3 mm, improving the exterior of the skin by promoting resurfacing and structural renewal of the surface layer, smoothing color of the skin, removing pigmentation.


      How is fractional skin renewal by Fraxel laser different from other rejuvenation procedures?

      In aesthetic medicine two types of lasers are distinguished: ablative and non-ablative.

      Ablative lasers emit a high temperature, during which the tissues are vaporized, entire top layer of skin is removed, wound surface is opened. Though sufficient results are achieved, this methodology is characterized by long-term post procedural period and pronounced side effects, and, therefore, it is now rarely used.


      Non-ablative lasers do not cause any of these side effects. They have little effect in terms of achieving structural changes in the skin, such as correction of wrinkles, stretch marks, scars and skin rejuvenation.

      During Fraxel laser treatment procedure, not the entire skin surface is heated, but only its individual micro fractions. Microscopic laser columns renew separate parts of the skin, without damaging the surrounding tissue. Therefore, swifter skin healing and recovery is promoted, and post procedural period is minimal and skin-friendly. This allows reach results of ablative laser performance with security inherent to non-ablative lasers.

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      Why Fraxel?

      Fraxel is the first and still leading inventor of the fractional photothermolysis. The laser has a patented performance technology, which yields the most effective results – therefore, it is called a gold standard in fractional skin renewal. Procedures carried out by it are among the most popular in the World and today there is a possibility to perform them using the new Fraxel re:Store DUAL laser. Procedures carried out by the laser are recommended from the age of 30 or when needed for various structural changes of the skin.

      What are the benefits of the new Fraxel re:Store Dual 1550/1927?

      Fraxel Dual laser is the only laser, emitting the 1927 nm Thulium wave, which is a wavelength created on a new principle; the 1927 nm wave addition to the laser leads to a higher percentage of treatment-level overlay. Thus, performing fewer treatment procedures and using less energy more effective results are achieved – usually 3 treatment procedures are performed instead of 4.

      Shorter treatment time. Improved scanner design and larger coverage of treatment area allows speeding up the procedures by 25%; it is convenient to perform them even on large skin areas.

      Our clinic employs original integrated Zimmer Cooling System, which directly cools the area being affected, thus, ensuring maximum comfort for patients even when performing procedures in such sensitive areas like face, breast, neck, wrists or eyelids.

      How does fractional skin renewal by Fraxel re:Store Dual 1550/1927 laser is carried out?

      This system has an integrated Smart Scanning. First, the skin is scanned and the appropriate parameters of the patented technology Fraxel Dual laser treatment are carefully selected. The unit focuses the laser beam and the microscopic laser light columns, perpendicular to the surface of the skin, penetrate into the skin to remove old cells. These epidermis and dermis columns, called therapeutic microthermal1 zones (MTZ), are formed in quantities of several thousand units, depending on the target skin area to be affected. These zones are surrounded by healthy, intact skin areas – healthy cells next to it begin to divide and occupy the empty spaces. Thus, rapid healing is promoted using natural skin renewal processes and structural formation of new, healthy cells both in surface and deep layers of skin is stimulated. Production of younger, healthier skin is initiated and fundamental regeneration of the old, damaged tissue. The fractional skin renewal takes place in sections, i.e., micro-fractions. 20-35% of the skin is treated in the course of one procedure. This way, by series of procedures, the entire skin is rejuvenated.

      1 Microthermal zones are micro-channels of the skin, of diameter approximately one tenth of a hair.

      What skin conditions are treated using Fraxel re:Store Dual Laser?

      Ageing skin lesions:

      • In ageing skin case, this is a perfect way to rejuvenate face and entire body skin; restore its natural color.
      • Lines, especially vertical, which has formed around eyes, eyebrows, lips and in areas of forehead, cheeks, etc.
      • Enlarged pores.
      • Various structural changes in epidermis and dermis.
      • Photo-ageing, elastosis.

      Pigmented lesions of skin:

      • Various changes in skin pigmentation: lentigo, freckles, sun-related, age spots, melasma, actinic keratosis.


      • All types of scars: caused by the acne, surgical, burn scars, atrophic, hypertrophic and other.
      • Skin stretch-marks.

      What is the 1927 nm Thulium wave intended for?

      The 1927 nm Thulium laser wave has been created for renewal of the surface layers of skin and correction of superficial skin lesions. It is a leading technology for treatment of various hyperpigmentation problems, including those difficult to treat – melasma, sun-induced premature photo-ageing, damaged skin, removal of actinic keratosis. Fraxel re:Store Dual is suitable for all skin and pigmentation types. The laser beam enters the layer of the skin where the pigment is localized and renews / removes it. As soon as in 7 to 10 days after the first treatment, significant pigment clean up is visible. 1 or 2 treatments often prove sufficient to remove pigmentation.

      What is the impact of fractional skin renewal by Fraxel re:Store Dual laser?

      Fraxel Dual treatment results are immediate and gradually progressing – they are visible both immediately and after a few months.

      Immediately after the procedure skin renewal and transformation processes actively take place. The effect is intense, so it is visible immediately after the procedure – the skin becomes firmer, fine lines are smoothing. On average, in 1-3 weeks after the procedure, the skin in the treated area becomes softer, smoother, more elastic, improved in tone.

      Optimal results and noticeable rejuvenation of skin become apparent in 2-3 months, and Fraxel re:Store Dual effect lasts for at least half a year after the procedure. Since natural production of collagen is stimulated and natural regeneration processes take place in deep tissue layers, the structural changes in skin are getting even better over time (3-6 months). During this time, new collagen and elastin replace the damaged tissue and, thus, highlight the overall treatment result. After a full course of treatment, the skin acquires natural color, becomes smooth and even deep lines disappear. The renewal process is visually observable as rejuvenated, firm and radiant skin free of blemishes.

      Fraxel Dual treatment Before and after Fraxel Dual treatment before and after
      Fraxel Dual treatment before and after Fraxel Dual treatment


      Before and after Fraxel Dual treatment

      What does the skin will look like after the procedure?

      Redness and swelling last from 1 to 3 days and are considered to be normal skin reaction. It is recommended to moisten the skin several times a day after the procedures. In a few days, you will see how the top layer of skin is resurfacing, renewing and becomes fresh pink in color. This will last about 3 days, later, somewhere between 5 and 10 day, the skin color will return back to normal. At that time, approximately on the day 10, the skin looks noticeably smoother.

      Are Fraxel re:Store Dual procedures painful?

      Before the procedure, local anesthesia is applied and, during the procedure, an integrated cooling system is additionally used in our clinic, which cools the epidermis at the right intensity before, during and after each laser pulse, so the discomfort is reduced to a minimum. During treatment, many patients feel a tingling or increased sensation of heat. After the procedure, the heat sensation lasts for a couple of hours. The procedure itself, depending on the area treated and the strength of pulses generated, lasts from 30 to 60 minutes.

      Recommendations after the procedure

      Two weeks of intensive moisturizing is necessary for the skin. After the procedure, trauma to the skin, agents irritating skin, sunbathing should be avoided and sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher filters should be used.

      Is it safe?

      Only lasers with established clinical safety and efficacy are approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Safety and quality of procedures performed by Fraxel laser has been proved by research: Fraxel lasers have had 20 favorable estimates by FDA, more than 100 scientific articles have been published about them. These procedures can only be performed by certified doctors who have accomplished a special training course.

      In what areas is the procedure performed?

      The procedure can be performed with any type of skin in all areas of the body: in all areas of the face, including the area around the eyes, neck, chest, arms, hands, thighs and other areas, and, because of a new version of the applicator, which is larger, it is convenient to perform the procedure on extensive areas of the body.

      How many procedures should be performed and how often?

      The number of procedures depends on the desirable result, the current state of the skin, lifestyle and other factors. Clinical studies show that the average treatment algorithm consists of 3-5 treatments with 2-4 week intervals. Each case is individual, therefore the expectations, number of procedures, frequency and other relevant issues should be discussed with a doctor during the consultation.

      Can other beauty treatment procedures be performed?

      Fraxel dual procedures are successfully combined with other skin care and beauty treatments: mesotherapy, biorevitalization, botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid fillersplazmolifting injections and other aesthetic procedures. The doctor will discuss with you and help to choose what is best for you, as well as to combine the procedures, during the consultation, in the course of which you will decide on the best solution to solve your skin problems.


      This article is an intellectual property of Era Esthetic laser dermatology clinic. It is not allowed to copy and/or distribute or use  the text and other information of this website in any way.
      We work with the best lasers in the world Syneron Candela REGISTRATION
      Or call:
      +370 611 77 111 Vilnius
      All the procedures in our clinic are conducted by qualified Era Esthetic laser dermatology specialists

      * Lower prices on course of procedures + latest version of FRAXEL DUAL 1550/1927 – effect of two lasers during one procedure. With the 1550 it increases skin firmness, elasticity, shrinkage of skin pores, corrects scars, smoothes skin surface, lines, wrinkles. 1927 improves the appearance of the skin: promotes structural regeneration of the surface layer, smoothes skin color, removes pigmentation.

      * The prices quoted for one procedure with the purchase of a 3 procedures package.

      * PRP PLASMOLIFTING (the patient’s blood plasma is used) – enhances the effect of Fraxel Dual treatments. During the Fraxel Dual procedure – PRP therapy in one selected area of the body: face, neck, decollete, hands ONLY 179 €, instead of the regular 235 € price. Save!







      Vaida Klizaitė-Jasaitienė, winner of beauty contests

      I am very satisfied and would like to share my feelings about it with you. I found the clinic randomly while in search of a hair removal procedure using the most advanced laser technology. I discovered that Era Esthetic clinic is the only clinic in the Baltic states which uses the Alexandrito laser. This laser ensures very quick and effective results. I am very satisfied with the procedures and really recommend them to everybody. Over time and due to daily stress our skin loses…

      I am very satisfied and would like to share my feelings about it with you. I found the clinic randomly while in search of a hair removal procedure using the most advanced laser technology. I discovered that Era Esthetic clinic is the only clinic in the Baltic states which uses the Alexandrito laser. This laser ensures very quick and effective results. I am very satisfied with the procedures and really recommend them to everybody. Over time and due to daily stress our skin loses its moisture, brightness and firmness, so I had a consultation with doctor Jurgita Stoškienė, who is qualified to the highest level, and who examined the skin very pleasantly and offered especially effective procedures. The results were obvious after the first procedure. The procedure I often have is HydraFacial, performed by Viktorija and Alina, who are masters of the process. I trust in them and give myself completely into their hands. I understand that regardless of what you are searching for,it is always best to come here, as only here can you find everything in one place – the best specialists, and the latest innovative technologies and hardware. All this is proven over time by the results and excellent service you will experience after going through the doors of the amazing clinic Era Esthetic.

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      Lina Bušinskaitė, SPF Public Relations Manager

      I discovered laser dermatology clinic Era Esthetic several years ago and since then I have been a regular customer. The service offered by the clinic – laser hair removal – became my salvation.
      The quality of services offered by this clinic is really great and the results are obvious. The fact that I visit this clinic less and less often proves that the services which I need have been provided professionally and responsibly, to a high standard. I am very grateful to doctors Rita Buivydaitė…

      I discovered laser dermatology clinic Era Esthetic several years ago and since then I have been a regular customer. The service offered by the clinic – laser hair removal – became my salvation.
      The quality of services offered by this clinic is really great and the results are obvious. The fact that I visit this clinic less and less often proves that the services which I need have been provided professionally and responsibly, to a high standard. I am very grateful to doctors Rita Buivydaitė and Ieva Laniauskaitė. They are professional in their fields, give a lot of valuable advice and perform their work sincerely.
      So I wish the clinic successful development and I am sure that it will keep on delighting its customers with excellent results.

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      Viktorija Macijauskienė, jurist

      I am not a frequent visitor of beauty and aesthetics clinics but I think carefully about where to go if the need arises.

      Their qualified professionals and very pleasant atmosphere is why I always go to Era Esthetic clinic when any problems arise in relation to my body or skin.


      Viktorija Macijauskienė

      Asta Valentaitė, model

      I do not have skin-related problems because I take care of my skin and protect it. If you do not neglect it, then you will not have problems. Sometimes, after long working days or sleepless nights, I feel that I want to pamper myself, so I go to the clinic to have Intraceuticals and HydraFacial procedures. The latter process cleans and moisturises the skin and during the first procedure various serums are used which saturate and moisturise the skin. These procedures are loved by…

      I do not have skin-related problems because I take care of my skin and protect it. If you do not neglect it, then you will not have problems. Sometimes, after long working days or sleepless nights, I feel that I want to pamper myself, so I go to the clinic to have Intraceuticals and HydraFacial procedures. The latter process cleans and moisturises the skin and during the first procedure various serums are used which saturate and moisturise the skin. These procedures are loved by Hollywood stars. The skin becomes smooth and clear and the results are visible immediately!

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      Simona Burbaitė, model, Miss Universe participant, blogger

      Our faces are our voiceless business cards. Moreover, every woman seeks a healthy and flawless look of her skin. I’m no exception. In addition, my work requires me to take special care of my face – quite frequent use of decorative cosmetic products requires proper care of the skin. So, in order to achieve the results I wanted, I chose the HydraFacial treatment at ERA ESTHETIC clinic. I think you will be curious to learn more about the process as well as the effects…

      Our faces are our voiceless business cards. Moreover, every woman seeks a healthy and flawless look of her skin. I’m no exception. In addition, my work requires me to take special care of my face – quite frequent use of decorative cosmetic products requires proper care of the skin. So, in order to achieve the results I wanted, I chose the HydraFacial treatment at ERA ESTHETIC clinic. I think you will be curious to learn more about the process as well as the effects that this treatment has. Basically, it is a patented non-invasive skin rejuvenation, deep cleansing and moisturising skin care done by modern aesthetic cosmetology technology – otherwise known as an ‘all-inclusive’ treatment. Today, Hydrafacial is included in the list of the most popular cosmetic treatments performed at prestigious medical clinics and spas all around the world. This procedure has three parts. Firstly, the skin is effectively cleansed; it gets exposed to a vacuum; it’s actively moisturised by different active serums. And all this is done simultaneously, which saves us time. Isn’t that great? The treatment was done by a great cosmetologist and beauty therapist, Alina Mockevičienė, and it lasted for about 45 minutes. You know, the face is quite a sensitive, I would even say intimate, part of our body, so it’s important to choose a specialist you trust; that way you can rest assured that you are in the hands of a professional. I would highly recommend Alina because in her chair I felt super safe and comfortable. I’ll tell you what kind of results I experienced after the first treatment: it restored the elasticity of my skin, as it had been looking rather tired lately. My skin was deep-cleansed. This means the reduced enlarged pores – and, believe me, with my job specifics I’m really not lacking them…The texture and tone of my skin have improved! Before the treatment, I had noticed that my face was somewhat greyish. Another good thing that will become even more important as time goes on is that this treatment slows down the ageing of the skin! And, although I am only 23 years old and the ageing process has not started yet (it usually starts at 25 years), preventive measures are always welcome and the sooner we start taking care of the skin, the more beneficial it will be for us. To tell the truth, if seeking maximum results this kind of treatment should be done once a month or as needed. I can confirm that the treatment did not cause any discomfort; in fact, it stimulated the skin in rather a pleasant way and was relaxing. As Alina would say, it is like being given a small kiss on your face by a kitten – somewhat scratchy, but at the same time very pleasant. I hope that the kitten will kiss you as well, leaving you glowing and even more beautiful!!!

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